

January 18, 2014

The January meeting of the Central Mississippi Polymer Clay Guild will be on Saturday, January 18, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. at the Pearl Library, Pearl, Mississippi.  We are starting a brand new year and would love to get everybody’s input on what you want to learn this year or what you might want to teach.  Be thinking about this so we can put together a list of dynamic projects and techniques for 2014.  As artists we are constantly learning and growing in our medium so this will always be a flexible list but it really helps to have a plan.  We are already off to a good start with Annette working with us on a new technique to make lentil beads using alcohol inks. 

We have the Jana Roberts Benzon workshop coming up on March 15 and 16.  If you have anything finished to go in the goodie bags, please bring them to the meeting.  Also if you are planning to participate but have not signed up, you need to let Joyce know.  I will print out some application forms to bring to the meeting. 

We will be doing pot luck lunches on both Saturday and Sunday of the workshop weekend so be thinking about what you would like to bring.  Joyce tells me we should have close to a full house so we want to be ready.  I’ve volunteered to coordinate the food this year so if you have any questions on this, direct them to me.  I’ll have a sign-up sheet at this month’s meeting so we can get this coordinated. 

Now for our supply list for Annette’s fun lentil beads:


2 oz block of white
2 oz block of black
Approximately 2 oz of scrape clay
Liquid clay – clear


Pinta alcohol inks: Blanco, Baja Blue, Lime Green, Passion Purple (Annette will have some to share if you don’t have these colors)
Heavy Body Bright Gold Acrylic Paint (Liquitex) (Annette will also have some to share)
5/8” circle cutter
Texture Sheet
600 grit sandpaper
Spritzer of 70% rubbing alcohol
Spritzer of water
Small round ball stylus tool
Old toothbrush
1 medium, 1 small soft round paintbrush
2 metal paint trays (provided by the guild)


Be sure to bring your normal travel kit with a minimum of your pasta machine, clear roller, clay blade, ceramic tile or other work surface, baby wipes.
Needle tool
Stiff clay blade

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