
Contact Information

Contact the Central Mississippi Polymer Clay Guild: joyceking4(at)

*Please note that you will need to actually type in the email address shown above. For security reasons (to avoid spam) it is written out so that the internet bugs that search for internet addresses won't capture it as easily.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I will be in that area and available to teach a one or two day workshop of your choice on the last weekend of October (29-30, 2016) As I will be on a family-visiting trip to FL, there would be no associated travel costs for your guild, which will save you a significant amount.
I am attaching a link to my Pinterest page, where you can view the current offerings, and will send a propectus detailing prices and requirements to Joyce King. Please contact me at if you are interested.

Thanks so much,

Randee M Ketzel